Today, we see how essential it is that somebody other than Boris of the Blues or whoever stands on behalf of the yellow and red portions of the Labserveral Cartel. It seems that for ten years we who use public transport in London are to be fleeced more and more in order to pay for more roads.
No doubt, these will be on the lines of the Blue Labserverals' Zil lanes, built with our money but closed to us. There is no reason for the people of London to pay more and more of their wages for the privilege of going to work. Those of us in the public sector have our wages frozen. Those in the 'private' sector find their wages falling and possibly their hours as well. And those fortunate enough still to be self-employed, see their businesses deliberately crushed by the big names who compete.
I propose something different. The day I am elected Mayor of London, I will close the underground system and send a bill to the corporations in the City of London. It won't be a tax, it'll be good honest blackmail. They don't pay tax, but there's no reason they shouldn't pay yours and my fares everyday instead of just on New Year's Eve when most of us already have a ticket anyway. Then the fares can be zero, oyster can be scrapped, and we can go back to being anonymous and untraceable as we move through our own city.
Sure, they can move to Frankfurt if they wish and so I will be talking to the mayors of New York, Paris and Frankfurt with a view to the whole world making the same decision at the same time.
We note already that the tube often closes at the weekend when people would wish to use it for having fun rather than going to their place of daily drudgery. It follows that the tube is not for our benefit but that of our employers. Well than, let them pay for the infrastructure, not us.
Vote Edwards (Independent) for Mayor of London in 2016.